Allergies vs. Sensitivities
Reactions and irritations after a treatment can be nerve-racking for both the client and technician. Being able to identify what is happening, and what may be causing the problem, is crucial. Are you able to spot the differences?
- temporary uncomfortable sensation that does not indicate an allergic reaction: could include itching, irritation, burning, redness
- typically dissipate within 48 hours
- usually caused from product entering the eye or touching the skin
- can almost always be avoided by thoroughly rinsing product from the treated area
- the human body's way of fighting foreign invaders: once a potentially harmful product/substance is identified, the body produces a large amount of antibodies, triggering histamine production
- histamine produces symptoms such as swelling, rash, inflammation, itchiness, and weeping of the eyes
- symptoms do not dissipate within 48 hours, and many times can worsen
- allergic reactions can develop over time once a client's level of tolerance has been exceeded
Tinting on the rods/shields during a lash lift greatly increases the possibility of a reaction since the eye area is more exposed to closely-placed product on the lashes, with the lashes pulled back and exposing the water line.
There is a greater chance of reaction with darker tint and henna colors (black being at the top of the list) because of the higher amounts of PPD contained in the coloring.
Lash lift glue can cause tightening and even some itchiness during a lash treatment as the glue begins to polymerize. This is a normal and non-concerning sensation as long as the client is comfortable.
However, any stinging or extreme uncomfortableness a client could be experiencing from lash lift glue may be caused by micro-cracks/micro-tears in the skin. These tiny fissures can be produced from the skin being overly dry or dehydrated, or from intense scrubbing on the lash line during makeup removal.
Most lash extension allergies are caused by an ingredient in the adhesive (cyanoacrylate), which is not found in lash lift glue. These clients are generally fine to receive a lash lift without any issues (patch testing is still recommended).
If any symptoms or concerns occur from an allergic reaction or sensitivity, always keep in mind we can not prescribe treatment or medication as a beauty professional. We can recommend flushing the area with cool water or a saline solution every 20 minutes until symptoms are alleviated, however, anything requiring more attention should be taken care of by a physician.